Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Watch the dream
watch you!

Watch how it moves
through the darkness.
Quivers and creeps
toward the place
you are hiding.
How its lithe, spectral body
almost shatters
under the weight
of its own fear.
How every step
is an exquisite quest
into curiosity, courage, and presence,
a foraging for safety.

Let it find you!
Startle you!

When it does,
and it will,
don’t be surprised
if yours is the next body
to tremble.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


A man pushes a lawn mower 
with a vengeance 
up and down 
a city’s sidewalks.
The blades scuttle and chime 
upon the pavement.
Why do I notice him at all
and as often as I do?
Will I ever see him 
cut grass?

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Let the beads of significance
fall to the ground.
Let the bracelet break.

Yes, let it.
And yes, let it stay broken.

Something in you
and something beyond you
wants it broken.

The ensemble is larger
than any one of its parts,
any one story or symbol,
any circle in the mind.

You know this.
So know this!

Be the ocean that takes water
without knowing where it came from.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

     for Holden Caulfield and the recipients
     of the Nobel Prize in Physics

Why does nobody keep answering?
Won’t you open your pores all the way and let Mother Nature take care of you like she does the fish in the frozen lakes?
How come ice isn't easily ignored?
Where have the ducks gone?
Let’s be as skinny as skaters, shall we?
Will you say with me out loud at the same time: "Any interest in eating herring?"
Want to get your bike and meet me under a big clock in the sky?
How can we look in mirrors without getting old?
If you hem then why wouldn’t you haw?
I got a big bang out of that, did you?
What is it about late night laughter on the streets of New York City that is so terrible?
Where on a checkerboard does a teardrop fall?
Where is there a green dress hanging?
Why aren’t pianos played from closets?
Why not be a goddam spendthrift, ‘cause what you don’t spend you’ll lose, right?
Don’t all good ideas begin as premature calculations?
Disciples are picked at random, isn’t that what Jesus would say?
Why is everybody all dressed up on Sunday?
Why would anyone murder Mercutio?
Two chairs outside a goddam infirmary–which is the one to sit in?
Why can’t all songs be sung in a Dixieland manner or in a whorehousey way?
Why does it seem sometimes like there is really nothing else to do but go to the movies?
And why do actors never act like real people though they think they do?
Who are the king and queen of the phonies?
Why is the best part of Hamlet when he pets his dog on the head?
Do you ever get gooseflesh for no good reason?
How can Christmas really be coming soon when it doesn’t feel like anything is coming?
If you put a skate key in my hand many years from now, in the pitch of night, do you think I'll still know what it is?
Do you want to know the truth?
Why, sometimes, does it smell inside like it is raining outside, but it’s not?
What is it about museums that makes people whisper?
Who is that man in the back of the canoe looking like a witch doctor in his spooky mask?
Gasoline rainbows in puddles in the street…why can’t I tell you what they mean?
Why can’t the things that should be left alone all be put in a glass case somewhere and really be left alone?
If I ever succeed in saying what it is I am trying to say,  will you believe that I meant what I said?
Will you remember to give me a cigarette while I am bleeding?
What the hell do we do with our suitcases while we’re here?
Will you hail a taxi when it’s time?
Will you catch me when I fall?