Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


The migration of the grey whales.
Changes in the dune patterns.
Coast Guard rescues.
Booty-seeking beachcombers.
Tide-chasing dogs.
Vermillion sunsets.
 Unexpected snowfall blanketing the shoreline.

These were the reports
I received from my ocean-loving mother
about the Pacific, my parent’s backyard,
seen from their solarium, until

the Tohoku, Japan earthquake
and tsunami, in 2011, sent a massive tree  
to their little sliver of the Oregon Coast,
to the beachfront just below the bluff
their house sits on.

For years after, the solarium reports
had one focus only:

Kids are using my tree as a jungle gym.
The tide is pruning its branches,
shearing off its bark, polishing the wood.
The sand has buried the trunk.

But then one fall
the reports stopped altogether.
Because there was nothing to report.
The tree, my mother’s tree,
her long time acquaintance
companion really,
had all but disappeared.
Only a stray limb remained.

For years not a single peep
about the famous tree. 
Nothing new to say.
Until last week when
a storm pummelled Newport.

Then I got this message:

Look what happened over night...
My tree was unveiled.
So happy! I had forgotten how huge it is.
I haven't seen "all" of it for 3 years :) !

Just goes to show you:
even Mother Nature loves
a good game of Peek-a-Boo.

Expect the unexpected.
What seems lost,
under the right conditions,
will reveal itself again.
Give it time.
Weather the storm.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


I felt sometimes like I was trying to carve scrimshaw
while wearing oven mittens.

Elizabeth Gilbert

I had to look the word up.
Delicate engravings done
by seafarers on whalebone.

Gilbert was referring to
her writing life
and what it took to keep
the practice alive.

To scrimshaw on
tooth or bone,
metaphorically speaking,
to employ the fine point
of an engraving tool,
you must first employ
another mightier implement,
a harpoon.
You must hurl it into
a great ocean.
You must kill a whale.

Life is my leviathan.

Ishmael, Ahab, White whale…
teachers one an all,
help me to stay committed to the chase.
But let me learn to make compassion,
kindness, my harpoon.

Only then can I truly do
the more delicate work
of writing down the bone.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Santa Cruz.
The Pacific Garden Mall.
We duck inside
Out of a sudden 

A wall worth
Of spigots 
Greet us.
Tap after tap
Ater tap.

Pay by the ounce.
All you can drink.
Belgians. Sours. Stouts.
Saisons. Ciders. IPAs.
So many choices.

We work our way
Down the line.
The beer just flows.

Why not live like this.
Where each and every moment
Is a new draught to try.
To savor.
If we don’t like one
Then we try another.

And all the while…
Getting tipsy
On the taste.
On life.
One pour
At a time.

Thursday, January 5, 2017


You spend your days
catering to others,

making guests feel
welcome and cared for

in a place
that is not their home.

You do this well.
All too well.

At night, folding laundry,
you notice

how sad and empty
the pillow cases look

when there’s no cushion,
no down inside.