Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, December 26, 2019


Quiet and a lit candle.
Time and whispered

yearnings. Anchors
to the moment.

These are the fabric,
the warp and weft,

the pull and pump,
of a living rhythm

I weave
by being creating,

by settling into
a space I make

like a garment
that keeps me

safe and warm
in winter

and always,
if only I remember

to sit down before
the loom of Now.

Thursday, December 19, 2019


I woke up this morning
and felt like

I had been ransacked
in the night.

I felt like a part of me
was missing.

And then I remembered
what I had done

the night before
and who I was with

and that everything,
everything that happened,

and the loss
that came with it,

came from the choices
I had made.

It was then I knew
that I was the thief

in the night, that I had
stolen from myself again.

Thursday, December 12, 2019


If we don’t see
the idea of SKY

in the open sore
and suffering

within a wound
we can’t soar.

If we only
pine and whine

about the depth
and darkness

of the hole
we’re standing in

and forget
we’re actually in

a WELL, well then 
there’s no way we will

feel whole and at one
with ourselves.

We must be with
where we are, always—

listening for the here,
in what we hear,

the experience,
strength and hope

that’s at the core of
who we are. In other words:

we need to look
for the living

homonym hidden
inside our humanity.

The name 
in anonymous.

Thursday, December 5, 2019


I hang dormant 
in the cave of your closet.

I am a beast
waiting for the season

to wake me.
For you to

finally have
a need for me,

my girth and length.
Climb into me 

like a lover. Let me
surround you,

the whole of you,
like a lover,

so you become the man
you are meant to be.

Wear me like a king’s cloak.
Winter is coming.

Together we will
stand fortified

against the besieging storms.
Claim your kingdom

and the gold inside
one jeweled button at a time.