Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


So many words.

So many circumlocutions. 
Stories chasing their own tails.
Histrionics and hyperbole 
that always crowd us out.

What if we pared it all down
to the essentials, to symbols and gestures
we'd learn and practice
with the help and studied patience 
of pithy primatologists?

What if we found our way back to basics,
by aping our way into a new kind of affinity
of really being together,
where comfort was cultivated 
through life’s simple preenings:
in the mites we might we’d feed each other,
in each moment's subtle proteins 
we'd harvest and savor?

Maybe this kind of intimacy is 
the only necessity we'd need to know.
And in the knowing it we'd finally feel
like suitable companions,
like the new age raconteurs 
we were meant to be.

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