Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


I wish I could call out: line
when the thing I should be saying
isn’t there to say.

I wish an off-stage voice
would feed me
the exact right words
and sentiment
when I go blank
so my scene partner,
who ever they are,
doesn’t feel like I have 
left them alone 
and standing 
on an empty stage.
That’s not in the script.
I am meant to play my part
until the stage directions
clearly state: [Exit.]

The truth is: I am not
an off-book actor
in rehearsal. I am 
simply myself living 
my unscripted life
opposite good people
who deserve the best
performance I can give them.

Oh great dramatist in the sky,
be my prompter
when I can’t prompt myself.
The play’s the thing, remember?

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