Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, November 11, 2021


Every day I wake
and look 

at the figure
in front of me.

And every day
it shape-shifts 

into some new

that has me 

some new thought
about it. 

And with this 
altered thinking 

my soul grows heavy
or light 

depending upon 
how I am seeing

the thing I see 
that day.  It’s not 

easy going through life
with a kaleidoscope

in my mind.
Oh, how I wish 

I could take all this 

that gets 

across hours,
days, weeks,

and months,
and put it down,

into a canvas, 
collapse it

into a cubist 

strip it 
of time 

and space,
render it 

one muted 

flattened moment,
that I would hang

like a mirror
on a gallery

wall. All that 

all in one place,
within one frame,

within one room,
what a relief 

that would be,
how free I’d be.

I could visit it,
the painting, 

the thinking,
whenever I wanted to

instead of
it visiting me

randomly, compulsively
all at a moment’s notice.

It would be
outside of me

as something 
I could witness

instead of being 
a thing inside me

like a cancer
I couldn’t cut or cure,

like a child I couldn’t
comfort or cradle.

With it outside me
I wouldn't 

feel so 
powerless over it.

I'd be the curator 
and in control 

once and 
for all.

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