Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, March 31, 2022


not a place to stop 
but a passageway  

an invitation 
a coming forth and through

a welcoming
without hesitation

that carries you over
into appreciation

acceptance, the ultimate 
greeting, a deliverance 

into an all 
embracing YES


Thursday, March 24, 2022


There is a question 
I keep turning over 

and over again
in my mind.

It is like the oak
inside the acorn

that branches
in every direction

while asleep
and dreaming.

Oh, if I could just bury 
this query into a source 

and soil 
that wasn't me

I'd be free
of the worm of worry,

the What if I was wrong 
about everything?

that knocks incessantly
against the shell of

of all my thinking 
trying to get out.

If the worm wasn't there
maybe then I'd be 

happy and a hollow 
I could hear.

Thursday, March 17, 2022


Start and end 
with red.

The eye will see 
the signs, the hazards

no matter the color
as borders, boundaries

to be crossed on  
the long  journey home.

Do not doze, though.
Let coyote do the dreaming.

Stay attentive. The horizon 
is fast approaching 

and has been, with its
mischief, the past 

shaped into present, a field
for grazing, a world 

without bloodshed.
Listen for the lightning.

Songs singing
inside hammers.

Thursday, March 10, 2022


Arranging the blaze
is an expression I’ve heard,

that I love. Everything 
we do in life, I believe, 

is an interplay of
shadow and light

on the face of things.
A kind of portraiture 

we fashion, create 
and capture as we go.

Where the light falls
and how it falls,

and how we arrange it all,
in our minds,

and then see it, 
(minds and faces 

are so impressionable)
is, in the end, what life 

actually looks like. 
Rembrandt knew this.

“Life etches itself into our faces
as we grow older, showing 

our violence, excesses 
and kindnesses.”

He said this and painted this.
Photography—which literally means

“drawing with light”—
owes so much to 

his little invention. Without 
it, the inverted triangle, 

placed so surreptitiously
to the side of

another triangle,
the upright pyramid 

of the proboscis, photography 
wouldn’t know what it knows 

as well. This poem is
my way of sniffing 

out answers. It’s a pulling 
together of ideas, vectors 

of thought, a writing 
with light, a blaze 

I'm arranging
down the page.

It is my way of seeing
what's what. Of showing

myself something
I already know I know,

or think I do, 
while picturing, through

subtle affirmation—a quick
touch to the nose-tipthe tell, 

that I am on the right track,
when the truth is

hints and guesses 
are all we really get.

They are all the nose
will ever know.

Thursday, March 3, 2022


I believe
there is 

a venue 
within you

and a venue 
within me

that is waiting 
for the chance 

to be the center 
of attention, the chance 

to step into 
the limelight,

where stage fright isn’t
keeping it from being

the presence and the performance 
space it can be,

that lives inside us
after all of life’s rehearsals

as “such stuff that dreams
are made on,”

where the lines come
without any prompting.

It’s all a matter of suspending
disbelief, isn’t it?by simply 

believing in belief, 
by being Brechtian 

and breaking through 
the fourth wall, 

and in the breaking 
of that wall

are broken 
open, and when we are 

we become the venue 
we were always meant to be,

the space where acceptance,
love and forgiveness 

arrive on the scene,
with little drama, 

and are finally ready
to have their say, their soliloquy.