Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, December 8, 2022


Famished and bundled under blankets
my mother after a grueling cardiac stress test 
drank her butternut squash soup from a paper cup 
through a straw. She finished it in record time.

The sound of her slurping was a strange music 
I did not expect to hear in a hospital room
from a woman who taught me etiquette:
how to silently and slowly sip.

rest in the moment,
get outside and

look at living things,
the wind blowing

leaves is good, 
the invisible visible.

These timely words
from a friend

flew into me  
like birdsong 

and alighted on the branches
of my soughing soul.

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