Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Nobody knows
but her.
Not the barista
behind the counter.
Not anyone standing
in line. Not even  
those who are waiting,
like her, to collect
their drink order.
She does it solely
to entertain herself,
to make life
a little less
a little less
you might say.
She takes
an ordinary event,
like getting
a cup of coffee,
and turns it
into something
silently sensational
by infusing it with
some good old-fashion
imagination. The barista
sets her drink
on the counter
and barks like
an auctioneer
to no one in particular,
Norton. Our heroine,
feeling a bit
like a child shoplifter
stealing a pack of Wrigley’s
from the corner drug store
sweeps in to scoop
up her drink,
now donning a name
that’s not hers.
Her fake-name is 
her little secret.
Her artful
Today it’s Norton
it may be Everest 
or MacGuffin.
Her whimsy will
decide - which
reminds me
of the prank, Pessoa,
the great Portuguese poet
would pull 

on hot summer days
in Lisbon: he would 

toss his blue wool hat
to strangers

in the street
to watch them
become a little 
less strange

as their hands 
fumbled nervously, 

to make the catch.
Her fake-coffee-name is
her way of making herself
a little less strange
in a world that keeps
getting alarmingly stranger
one prosaic day at a time.

Thursday, December 21, 2023


When they arrive
drunk and stumbling

across the dance floor
during the toast,

crashing a wedding 
they weren’t invited to, 

pay them no mind. Return
 your attention to

the empty plate
in front of you

and know that 
this white porcelain  

disc of nothingness
is the meal

the Bride and Groom 
ordered, had catered

especially for you - the guest
who came with

an insufferable and insatiable
hunger in their heart,

hoping to meet, 
quite by accident,

their Beloved
to be.

Thursday, December 14, 2023


Seeking quiet
I sometimes go 

into the cave
of my own mind.

If I sit long enough
I will see 

Sanskrit letters
Buddhist sutras or mantras

all inscribed and glowing 
in the stone of the walls.

And if I sit longer still
I will hear voices 

of nearby ascetics 
and sages chanting

in their caves. 
So many voices

scriptures and teachings 
come to me

in the hollow 
of my mind.

And if I sit longer still
the cave becomes 

a hive
a magnificent buzzing

a swarm filled 
with its hunger 

for pollen
and the image 

of bobbing in flight
among the poppy petals.

*Inspired by the book, Tantric Quest: An Encounter with Absolute Love, by Daniel Odier

Thursday, December 7, 2023


a phantom limb 
and the pain it knows

or the promise 
of a promise

either is 
an option

a cipher
is a zero

or a circle  
catching dreams