Thor, the Norse God of Thunder, had a hammer named Mjölnir. Mjölnir was considered a fierce weapon that could level mountains and summon lightning with every blow. In this poetry blog, every Thursday, (Thor’s Day), Mjölnir will forge only song - sing of the mysteries and beauties of the world.

Thursday, July 4, 2024



Inside all our yearning

is a bridge we can’t cross

until we open to the gap.


Chase away the mule

and a mustang will return

leading the stampede.


The space between the lover

and the beloved, is the distance between

the divine and disappointment.


There is no such thing as “the sweetest” 

of anything, there is only the taste

of that being tasted.


Underneath Nasruddin’s tears

God is drowning

in the desire to be known.

*Inspired by Open To Desire: The Truth about What the Buddha Taught, by Mark Epstein

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